what i wanted to do
i wanted to make Frontend app automatically updated when the content in headless CMS is updated.
possible methods
- Use cache: ‘no-store’ → slow performance
- Use ISR, revalidate every n seconds → unnecessary
- On-demand Revalidation
i tried third.
On-demand Revalidation
I created Strapi webhook and wrote api/revalidate/route.ts, which revalides the corresponding path.
but the problem was that most of the frontend app slugs dont match its collection type api endpoint. i had to map ALL the api and slug like this.
const apiToFrontendMapping: Record<ApiPath, (slug: string) => string> = {
"/api/department-introduction?": (slug: string) => `/mission/${slug}`,
"/api/curriculum": (slug: string) => `/curriculum/${slug}`,
"/api/courses?pagination[pageSize]=50": (slug: string) => `/curriculum/${slug}`,
i felt this isnt right.
Use Vercel Deploy hook
every time user make change in the content → vercel redeploys. How to use Deploy Hooks with Vercel and a Headless CMS Trigger Deployments Using Vercel Deploy Hook and Strapi Webhook
- in Vercel, generate Deploy Hook and copy the URL
- in Strapi, create Webhook and paste the URL.
- test.
it worked well. every time i create, edit, unpublish, publish, delete, Vercel immediately re-deployed the frontend app. and only the page with changed content took loading time.
예측하지 못한 부작용
후에 로그인/회원가입 기능을 만지느라 회원가입을 했다가 user를 지웠다가 반복했는데 그럴 때마다 나도 모르게 계속 deploy가 돼가지고 하루 deployment 한계가 떴다.
Resource is limited - try again in 2 hours (more than 100, code: "api-deployments-free-per-day").